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RLJ Dental Gives You the Tools for Proper Dental Care

dental care RLJConsistent Attention to Dental Care from RLJ Dental for Improved Health

We are all striving to feel better than we do; to be healthier than we are right now. We exercise, eat cleaner and even meditate. All of these, however, must become habits. If we make something part of our routine it becomes second nature to us. This is the same idea with dental care. How is it that many of us don’t give it the attention it deserves? RLJ Dental is here to help.

It is important to focus on dental health consistently. Dental health can affect other parts of the body. Brushing twice a day and flossing daily are key to preventing plaque buildup. Although dental care at home is crucial, getting a routine dental cleaning twice a year is essential.

Dental Care Habits Recommended by RLJ Dental

If you’re hoping for continued oral health, there are two things that you should be doing as part of your dental care program.

  1. Regular dental visits – The American Dental Association recommends having your teeth professionally cleaned twice a year. Keeping on top of your oral health not only prevents the potential loss of teeth, but can guard against diseases like dementia, oral cancer, heart disease and complications of diabetes. Regular visits also prevent the buildup of plaque and tartar. Help us celebrate National Children’s Dental Health Month by starting these visits early. We offer a free checkup for children under three.
  2. Personal care – It’s important to know how to effectively maintain the cleanliness of your mouth. That means brushing for two minutes at least twice a day, flossing and finding a mouthwash that works with your personal program to ensure a healthy mouth.

We look forward to meeting your family’s dental care needs. We feel so strongly about what we do that we have offices all over the state ready to assist you.

RLJ Dental, Meeting All Your Dental Needs

No matter where you are in Wisconsin, no matter what dental needs you have, our network of independent dentists are committed to providing the best service with the latest technologies, for the most affordable price. From comprehensive prevention to cosmetic dentistry; periodontal treatments to restorative work; from implants to sports dentistry, RLJ Dental is ready to serve you.

Our trustworthy team is out to build long-lasting relationships, and we measure our success by a lifetime of smiles. Visit to find a location near you.

View original article on dental care here.