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Our opportunity: Save the day with a classic special event coin

Ordering a commemorative coin for an upcoming special event was a detail that became lost in the shuffle of staff transition for the North Pacific Union of Seventh-day Adventists. By the time Mark Bond, interim communication director, discovered the omission, he figured it was too late to secure an appropriate coin in time.

“I reached out to Medalcraft Mint basically to confirm there was no way to get it done,” Mark explains. “I knew striking a coin is not a simple thing, and in fact is a fairly involved process. I appreciated the fact they quickly came back with an option that not only met our budget, but also was a beautiful mockup. It left us thinking, ‘We need that coin!’ ”

The Medalcraft Mint team set to work designing a 1.75-inch brass coin with an antique finish that featured the regional headquarters building for the Ridgefield, Washington-based union. The building serves as the administrative hub for the northwestern part of the USA, and the event marked the retirement of the mortgage.

“We were absolutely amazed by the detail on the coin of the building itself,” Mark says. “You can see the individual stones on the façade, the frames of the window, the tiles on the roof, each tree and the flags. It is very clean and elegant. Our staff was elated with the way the gift hit when they saw it for the first time.”

The North Pacific Union placed its order on July 14, 2022, for the August 6 event. Medalcraft Mint produced 600 of the coins in our Green Bay, Wisconsin, facility and shipped them on August 1, two days ahead of schedule.

“Your customer service, responsiveness, and everything about the experience was super-easy,” Mark states. “Medalcraft Mint took what I thought was going to be an impossibility and made it a reality.”

The building dedication event went off without a hitch. Many of the people who were involved in the decision to invest in the land and new building 15 years ago were among the approximately 200 in attendance.

“Each person there was thrilled with the brass coin, with some asking if they could have a second coin for a special friend or relative,” he says. “It truly was what we were hoping for. This is the kind of keepsake that people will keep on their desk and remember that good day.”

For more information or to request a quote, please go to or call 800-558-6348.

View the original post on the North Pacific Union of Seventh-Day Adventists brass coin here.