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Our opportunity: Help a university prepare for the ceremonies to come

Medalcraft Mint Collegiate MedallionsThe University of Massachusetts Medical School annually presents a series of individualized collegiate medallions for endowed name professorships and another dozen chancellor’s medals for specially recognized individuals. The school put the presentation ceremonies that accompany these medallions on hold during the pandemic, but that didn’t stop Tim Rice, the director of university events, from being prepared for better times.

The collegiate medallions required an updated design featuring the UMass Medical School’s logo on the front rather than the previous Massachusetts state seal, along with the new recipients’ names engraved on the backs of their respective pieces.

Tim worked with Medalcraft Mint sales rep Jenifer Baker to hone in on just the right look prior to approving the order. The copper medallions are 2.5 inches wide with an antique finish and a bright blue neck ribbon.

“Jenifer is just terrific. She usually gets back to me within 24 hours and we were able to get everything approved online,” Tim explains. “We wanted to make sure we have the medallions on hand so when the pandemic is over, we can present them.”

For more information or to request a collegiate medallions quote for your institution, please go to or call 800-558-6348.

View original post on Collegiate Medallions here.