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Dental hygiene for kids begins with teaching them at a young age

dental hygiene for kidsRLJ Dental helps parents with effective tips

Dental hygiene for kids is a frequently debated subject due to the variety of rates at which children develop physically, cognitively and emotionally. Dental experts agree, however, that teaching good dental hygiene habits at an early age can result in a beneficial daily routine that minimizes tooth decay.

At RLJ Dental, our dental experts are happy to assist parents with suggestions on dental hygiene for kids that leverage youngsters’ innate desire to act like the adults around them. Modeling good dental hygiene is something parents can accomplish multiple times per day.

“Demonstrating good dental hygiene for kids can help them develop habits that minimize the need for periodontal treatmentsand other restorative procedures later in life,” notes Dr. Ashley Minten, a dentist in RLJ Dental’s Oshkosh, Wisconsin, office. “In addition to creating healthy habits, good dental hygiene helps prevent tooth decay in baby teeth that can lead to future dental problems.”

Start young with teaching dental hygiene for kids

It is not unusual for young children to develop cavities in their baby teeth. Studies have shown more than one in four children have at least one cavity by the age of three and nearly half of children have cavities by the age of five.

Parents can begin helping their child brush their teeth as soon as the first few baby teeth appear. Using a child-sized toothbrush with soft bristles, apply a small smear of toothpaste and help them brush their teeth at least two times per day. Teaching them not to swallow is the first teaching point; learning to rinse and spit will come later.

“As much as a toddler may want to take control of the brushing process right away, parents really need to supervise the activity until the child enters school or later, depending on their maturity level,” notes Dr. Minten. “Get them to brush their teeth after eating sugary foods or drinking sugary liquids from their sippy cup.”

Call RLJ Dental to schedule a visit for children under three. The first one is free. They believe early teaching of good dental hygiene for kids will create lifelong habits.

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View original article on dental hygiene for kids here.