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3-Dimensional Medallions Are Ideal for Honoring Individuals

Medalcraft 3- Dimensional MedallionsMedalcraft Mint Is a Recognized Specialist in Creating Spot-On Artistic Designs

Creating 3-dimensional medallions that accurately depict the face of an individual or the detail of intricate architecture requires talented craftsmen capable of doing the subject justice. Medalcraft Mint, a USA-based designer and manufacturer of 3-dimensional medallions, ceremonial maces and other commemoratives, has been entrusted with minting the official inaugural medals of the past three presidential administrations. The official medals celebrated the inauguration of Donald Trump, Barack Obama and George W. Bush.

“It takes exceptional design and production skills to pull off a 3-dimentional medallion project in a way that truly honors the subject,” explains Jerry Moran, owner and chief executive officer of Medalcraft Mint. “Our in-house artists hand-sculpt or engrave customer-approved designs into a steel die block as part of our die-striking process.”

Die Striking Creates Superior 3-Dimensional Medallions

Medalcraft Mint’s skilled craftsmen have experience creating a wide range of 3-dimensional medallions, including portraits, buildings, official seals, nature and wording. The company uses die striking as the production process of choice because of its ability to create exceptional images and an overall better product than cast pieces.

As the name implies, the die-striking process involves striking an image into a 3-dimensional medallion from dies rather than cast from molds. Die striking presses material into the die cavity to create an exact impression of the image from a hand-cut die. Medalcraft Mint uses only solid materials, selected for their purity and metallic composition, in the minting process.

“We are proud to have won more awards for superior metal striking than any company in our industry over the past three decades,” Moran says. “It’s that type of consistency that our customers value in choosing us to create their 3-dimensional medallions.”

A Reputation for Quality Craftsmanship

Medalcraft Mint has been a Wisconsin-based company since its founding in 1948. The company produces a wide selection of challenge coins, badges, recognition awards and other commemoratives in its 32,000-square-foot facility in Green Bay, Wisconsin. For more information about Medalcraft Mint’s products or to request a quote, please go to or call 800-558-6348.

View original article on 3-Dimensional Medallions here.